Thursday, November 10, 2011

Owning Your Brand: The Conundrum of Situational Positioning… The Paradox of Authenticity!

Ann Ulrich

Let's talk brand. Your brand. The importance of owning your brand. The conundrum of delivering your brand consistently when real life demands you jockey for position. And the paradox in all that: remaining authentic.

Let's make it personal: Your brand plays out externally, only after it's fired up and fueled internally. It's up to you!

Let's keep it simple: Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you want to be known for and remembered by?

Owning your brand involves: Mindfully and consistently bringing the best of who you are, positioning to best fit the situation you're in, while remaining true to what you stand for.

(Be authentic or risk imposter syndrome. If you no longer fit - or no longer want to fit - the situation you're in… what are you still doing there?!)

Why care about owning your brand?

You'll get what you want by earning it. You'll get to where you're headed through and with others you've earned respect, trust, and top of mind positioning with. You'll impact and influence people who become drawn to you, want to champion you, and want to create new success with you… business and life!

When you know who you are and bring it(!), remaining authentic even as you adjust to appropriately fit the situation, you can positively influence what you become known for and remembered by.

This is how you create your own repeatable, deliverable, consistent and lasting circle of success via brand ownership.

Own it! 

Ann Ulrich, 18yr owner of The BOLD! Factor and Fit Model Agency, is shifting her own brand, leaving her business (on plan at this exciting stage of life!) to create new success when she discovers the right-fit sales or business maximizing opportunity in the right-fit *wow* company.
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1 comment:

In store Marketing said...

Branding is really important, but what is more important the product or service, what is being promise should live up to the expectation of the users.

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